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SUNDAY CONVERSATION: Sheriff-elect Brian Schenck on first term, goals for 2019 in Cayuga County

What does the future of law enforcement look like in Cayuga County as incoming Sheriff Brian Schenck takes office on Jan. 1, 2019?

While change is inevitable during any leadership transition, like the one experienced by the Sheriff’s Office, Schenck maintains that a lot of things will remain the same.

He addressed many of these issues – including his desire to see the Sheriff’s Office take advantage of tools like social media in the 2019 and beyond. While there are plenty of policing updates that he will institute as well, there’s a focus on ‘modern policing’ as he heads into his first term.

“I’ve been with the Sheriff’s Office for 21 years so I am very familiar with how our department operates,” Schenck explained on Inside the FLX less than a week before taking office. “Even though I didn’t have an opponent during the campaign process I was still very active out in the community; and did a lot of door-to-door work.”

That paid dividends, according to Schenck, who said that learning even more about the community as a whole was a priority. “I really enjoyed that process, and since we cover such a large area, it was very interesting for me to see the differences, and learn about the different concerns and issues people have in our county.”


Schenck outlined many of his areas of focus during the conversation, which included even more energy spent addressing the opioid epidemic. He also noted that focusing on road patrol coverage, and ensuring that the entire county is covered remains a priority – but comes with challenges, too.

“I’m really proud of the men and women who work with the Sheriff’s Office every day, and moving forward – I know we have the best people,” Schenck added. “When it comes to issues like the opioid epidemic – I’m proud to say that we have a number of incredibly dedicated staff that make our department successful, and will continue to do so into the future.”

The incoming Sheriff noted that approaching the opioid epidemic from multiple perspectives would be important – if long-term success were going to be found locally, or elsewhere. With a combination of enforcement, treatment, and better policy – residents and those dealing with addiction can be served in a more complete way. Schenck reiterated his belief that the goal of law enforcement – especially as it pertains to drug offenders – is reducing recidivism.

“That’s how we build a better community. We get people the help they need, and enforce the laws in a fair way,” Schenck added. “There’s a lot to be excited about heading into 2019.”

Listen to the entire conversation with Sheriff Schenck above, or on iTunes.

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