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OUTDOORS: Food Network’s Nancy Fuller coming to sportsman’s event

The vice president of the company promoting the Great New York Sportsman’s Expo admits he was apprehensive about featuring a food guru at the outdoor sporting show.

“At first glance I was not sure how strong of a fit Nancy Fuller would be for the Expo, but after conversations with her it was abundantly clear. It’s a perfect match,” said John Lenox of Wight-Ox Enterprises during a recent telephone conversation. “She comes from an outdoor background and loves to talk about the preparation of wild game.”

Fuller, the star of the Foot Network program “Farmhouse Rules,” will be at the New York State Fairgrounds in suburban Syracuse during the Jan. 26-28 Expo. The chef and businesswoman from the Columbia County town of Claverack co-owns Ginsberg’s Foods.

“Nancy will be attending the Expo all three days to talk ‘preparing wild game,’ ” Lenox said.

“We are extremely excited to welcome Nancy Fuller to Syracuse,” added Norm Wightman, president of Wight-Ox Enterprises. “Nancy is a New York native and one of the most outgoing personalities I have ever met. She knows the way to get to any sportsman is through their stomach. She is going to bring a unique and exciting perspective to the Expo.”

I have been involved with outdoor trade shows for 20 years, and I find it refreshing to offer patrons a little something different. Besides, most outdoor enthusiasts I know are looking for different ways to prepare wild game.

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